【国際センター】タイ王国プリンス・オブ・ソンクラ大学(PSU)と企画したタイ農業従事者の有機農業研修を実施![International Center] Conducted Organic Farming Training for Thai Farmers Planned by Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand!

 6月9日から12日まで、本学の大学間学術交流協定校であるタイのプリンス・オブ・ソンクラ大学(以下、PSUと略記)の天然資源学部のChutima先生と国際センター長の伊丹教授が企画したタイ農業従事者の宮崎県綾町における有機農業研修を実施しました。綾町は照葉樹林の保護と自然生態系農業を町全体で実施していることで世界でも有名で、ユネスコエコパークとしても登録されています。本研修は、2017年に1回目を実施し、今回が2回目。今回の目的は有機栽培野菜の付加価値を高めるために、6次産業化としてピクルス、お茶、ジャムづくりを研修の目的としました。以下、伊丹教授からの寄稿を国際センターのFUKUDAI Mag担当の趙がお伝えします。

From June 9th to 12th, organic farming training for Thai organic farmers was conducted in Aya Town, Miyazaki Prefecture. This was organized by Asst. Professor Dr. Chutima Tantikitti, Advisor to the Dean of Faculty of Natural Resources at PSU, a university with an academic exchange agreement with Fukuyama U. and Professor Itami, Fukuyama U. This was the second of such training, with the first having been held in 2017. The purpose was to increase the added value of organically grown vegetables by focusing on sixth industrialization, such as making pickles, tea, and jam. This report is by Zhao from the International Center.

ตั้งแต่วันที่ 9 ถึง 12 มิถุนายน 2024 ได้มีการฝึกอบรมการทำเกษตรอินทรีย์สำหรับเกษตรกรอินทรีย์ชาวไทยที่เมืองอายะ จังหวัดมิยาซากิ การฝึกอบรมนี้จัดโดยผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ชุติมา ตันติกิตติ ที่ปรึกษาคณบดีคณะทรัพยากรธรรมชาติแห่งมหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (PSU) ซึ่งเป็นมหาวิทยาลัยที่มีข้อตกลงแลกเปลี่ยนทางวิชาการกับมหาวิทยาลัยฟุกุยามะ และศาสตราจารย์อิตามิจากมหาวิทยาลัยฟุกุยามะ ครั้งนี้เป็นครั้งที่สองของการฝึกอบรมที่อายะ จังหวัดมิยาซากิ โดยครั้งแรกจัดขึ้นในปี 2017 จุดประสงค์ของครั้งนี้คือ เพื่อเพิ่มมูลค่าของผักที่ปลูกแบบอินทรีย์โดยมุ่งเน้นที่การแปรรูปผลิตภัณฑ์ เช่น การทำผักดอง ชา และแยม


 6月10 日に綾町の早川農苑に11時に到着。昼食は早川農苑で作った有機栽培による野菜主体のランチプレート。その後、早川農苑の早川ゆり代表、同農苑の奥代表取締役社長から有機野菜のための土造りやジャムづくりについて講義を受けるとともに、タイ側からはタイでの有機農業の状況を伝えるなど、情報交換しました。その後、ゴボウの畑へ出かけました。土造りや肥料のやり方、散水など事細かに現場での質問が奥社長に相次ぎました。


On June 9th, a total of 12 participants, including 3 PSU affiliates and 9 organic farmers , joined Professor Itami at Miyazaki Airport and stayed overnight in Miyazaki City. On June 10th, they arrived at Hayakawa Farm in Aya Town at 11 am. Lunch was an organic vegetable lunch plate made at Hayakawa Farm. Afterwards, the trainees received a lecture on soil preparation and jam making for organic vegetables from Mr. Oku, the representative director of Hayakawa Farm, and exchanged information about the state of organic farming in Thailand. Later, they visited a burdock field, where they asked many detailed questions about soil preparation, fertilization, and watering. They also experienced touching the soil and enthusiastically participated in the hands-on learning, followed by harvesting burdock. Given that all participants are active organic farmers, their efficiency was impressive, quickly harvesting two rows and transporting the crops to the collection point by truck.


In the afternoon, they harvested eggplants and tea. The next day, they used the burdock and eggplants to make pickles, and the tea leaves were roasted in an iron pot to make pan-fried tea. Dinner consisted of Thai dishes prepared by the trainees using vegetables from the farm, which they served to the staff at Hayakawa Farm.

On June 11th, the morning was spent making pickles and pan-fried tea. For the pickles, they washed zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, eggplants, shallots, and burdock, cut them into appropriate sizes, and packed them into jars with preheated and seasoned vinegar, which they took home. For the pan-fried tea, they lightly sun-dried the tea buds harvested the previous day, roasted them in an iron pot, kneaded them by hand, and repeated the roasting process to make pan-fried tea. Concurrently, they practiced cooking rice with firewood using a kamado (traditional stove). As Thailand is known for its rice, the trainees eagerly asked the instructors about cooking techniques using translation apps on their phones.


In the evening, they paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Shunji Matsumoto, the mayor of Aya Town. They informed him that this was the second training session from Thailand and that a trainee who participated in the first organic farming training in Aya received a national award in Thailand. They confirmed their commitment to continue collaborating to promote organic farming.              松本 俊二 綾町長への表敬訪問と記念撮影 


Dinner that evening featured wild boar stew, a specialty of Aya Town, shared with Hayakawa Farm, Ayakawaso staff, and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) affiliates, enjoying the meal together. They also enjoyed a wine donation and a performance of the Hyottoko dance, a famous local dance in Hyuga, which brought smiles to the trainees’ faces.



On the final day, June 12th, they reviewed their activities and organized the pickles and pan-fried tea they had made, packing them for the trip home. After a group photo in front of Ayakawaso, they headed to Miyazaki Airport. The bus reached the airport on time. The trainees returned home, grateful for everyone’s kindness and cooperation.



Despite the training scheduled during the rainy season in mid-June, they were fortunate to have no rain, and the overcast skies made outdoor activities more manageable. We express our sincere thanks to everyone at Hayakawa Farm and Ayakawaso for their warm reception despite the tight 3-day schedule. Special thanks to Mayor Shunji Matsumoto of Aya Town for making time for a meaningful discussion. Lastly, I appreciate the trainees for their dedication and enthusiasm throughout the training despite being in an unfamiliar foreign country.



Words from the President: Organic farming training program jointly organized by Prof. Chutima of Prince of Songkla University (PSU), with which Fukuyama University has an academic exchange agreement, and Prof. Itami, Director of the International Center of Fukuyama University. The program was set at Hayakawa Farm in Aya Town, Miyazaki Prefecture, a familiar place for Professor Itami. Dr. Chutima and Itami also collaborated in the Sakura Science Program (SSP) training at our university in March of this year. It is also an important international exchange activity for the faculty members of both universities to support the exchange of agricultural workers between Japan and Thailand. I would like to congratulate them on their great success!