
英語教育を担当している DRIUSSI Cordelia 助教から、「グローバル・ゲートウェイ・プログラム」で福山大学に来学した新しい実習生の紹介記事が届きました。(投稿:学長室ブログメンバー 前田)


This year, we have had 3 student teachers from the Global Gateway for Teachers program at Indiana University. In the first semester, we had Ashley, Zachary, and MJ. This semester, we have a new student teacher. Her name is Jessica McNulty.

先月、インディアナ大学のGlobal Gateway for Teachersプログラムにより、新しく教育実習生のジェシカ・マクナルティさんが来ました。今年度は、前期にアシュリーさん、ザッカリーさん、MJさんの3名が来ましたので、4人目になります。



Jessica is not from Indiana University, but she joined the Global Gateways program through a partnership with her university, called Duquesne University in Pennsylvania. We have had another student teacher like this before. Allison, a student from Pennsylvania State University, came to Fukuyama University in November 2018.

ジェシカさんはペンシルバニアにあるデュケイン大学の学生です。インディアナ大学との提携により、Global Gateway for Teachersに参加しました。以前にも、2018年11月にアリソンさんが、ペンシルバニア州立大学から来ていました。

Different states in America have different teacher licensing requirements, but in Indiana it can be completed with 18 weeks of student teaching and the completion of exams. The Global Gateway for Teachers Program allows the student teachers from Indiana to have 10 weeks of student teaching in Indiana, followed by an 8-week study experience when they go overseas.

アメリカの州によって教員免許取得の条件は違いますが、インディアナ州では18週間の教育実習と試験の合格で取得できます。Global Gateway for Teachers Programでは、インディアナ州の教育実習生は、インディアナ州で10週間の教育実習を行った後、海外で8週間の研修を受けることができます。


Jessica is a master’s student, finishing her coursework to become a high school teacher in Pennsylvania. She will be a teaching intern for four weeks in the classrooms of Associate Professor Lowes and Assistant Professor Driussi. Let’s learn some more about our new student teacher!



Where are you from? Tell us a little about your hometown or the general area.

I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in America. Pittsburgh is a small, old steel town with attitude. We are known for pierogies and football.


Perhaps Japanese people don’t know pierogies. They are like a dumpling from Poland: a thin piece of dough wrapped around a savory filling, boiled, fried, and eaten with various sauces. They are a comfort food for many countries, including places where Polish people have moved to, such as America! Please try to eat one if you get the chance!




What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I like to read fiction and manga. I enjoy movies and anime. I also enjoy writing fiction. I am working toward writing a book that I want to publish.



The Global Gateway for Teachers program at Indiana University has many host countries. Why did you choose to come to Japan?
インディアナ大学のGlobal Gateway for Teachersプログラムには多くの受入国があります。なぜ日本を選んだのですか?

My interest in Japan started in middle school when I started watching Yugi-Oh and Inuyasha. As I grew up, I started reading more about Japan. When my school offered Japan as a study abroad option, I jumped at the chance to experience the culture for myself.



Many Americans of this generation have grown up watching Japanese anime because there were a few channels on public television that showed popular shonen anime with English voices and English theme songs. This is why anime such as Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, Cardcaptor Sakura, Yugioh, Inuyasha, One Piece, and Pokemon are known by people around the world, even if they don’t understand Japanese!



What do you think of Fukuyama and Fukuyama University so far?


I love Fukuyama and Fukuyama University. The area is gorgeous, and all the people are friendly and helpful. It is a great experience! I look forward to learning all I can from all of you! Thank you so much for having me!



If you see Jessica on campus, please say hello. You can talk to her about books, movies, manga, and anime! She is practicing her Japanese, so you can talk to her in English or Japanese.



学長から一言:ジェシカ・マクナルティさん、ようこそ福山大学へ! 米国インディアナ大学の学生海外派遣プログラムを通じて、将来の教員としての力量を高めるために本学を訪れ、近隣の家庭にホームステイして日本文化に触れながら英語教育のティーチング・アシスタントとして実習に携わる人は今年度4人目。授業の様子も見せて頂きましたが、受講生には大人気。たくさんの楽しい思い出を本学で作って下さい。