



Tang Warren(タン ウォーレン)

職 名 講師
学 位 Master of Education
専門分野 コーパス認知言語学, 第二言語語彙習得
担当科目 英語I・II、英会話I・II、TOEIC I・II
メッセージ Language is not as scary as you think. Let’s have fun and communicate.

The acquisition of incidental vocabulary through extended intensive reading.

By reading in large quantity with careful instruction from the teacher students are able to acquire vocabulary better. This is possible only because the text and order of reading has been decided this system is possible. 多読と精読を併用しての自修スタイルによる第二言語習得。

Differences between native and non-native speakers to the conception of the literal and metaphorical usages of AT, ON and IN.

AT, ON and IN are three of most frequent words in the English language. They play an important role to help us understand the relationship of people and places of action. Moreover, these three words are used to talked about less concrete ideas (abstract and metaphorical concepts). As students they should be aware of these. As teachers we should spend more time to teach them. AT, ON, INの逐語的使用と比喩的使用における母語話者と第二言語話者の差異。