
Faculty of Economics





On Wednesday February 14th, as part of the preparation for the International Economics Top 10 program trip to New Zealand, students and faculty visited the lumber mill of Orvis Corporation, in Matsunaga. What connection does this mill have with New Zealand? Well, Matsunaga port is the place where the largest amount of New Zealand timber is unloaded in all of Japan. Orvis takes these rough 8-meter-long logs of Radiata Pine and mills them into beautiful boards and planks of all sizes and shapes for their clients in Japan.



Our group was welcomed to the mill by the President of Orvis Corporation Mr. NAKAHAMA Yuji (株式会社オービスの代表取締役中浜勇治). Mr. Nakahama had previously lived in New Zealand for several years so could provice the students not only with the ins and outs of importing lumber from New Zealand, but also his experience of living there.



Folowing the tour of the mill, he then took us down to the port where the logs are unloaded from inbound ships as long as 150 meters long. The size of the logs, and the endless stacks of them were very impressive. Students could use this active learning opportunity to really feel how the trade between Japan and New Zealand affects the economy.



Upon return to campus the departing students then each gave a presentation about the research themes that they aim to explore in New Zealand. Good luck everybody!



