As part of the Top 10 program preparation, we visited Miyoshi Winery.
The question might be asked, “before visiting New Zealand, why did you visit a winery in the mountains of Hiroshima prefecture?” The answer is both simple and surprising: This year’s Top 10 program to New Zealand is focused on agribusiness, as New Zealand has a strong food trade surplus with Japan and many other countries. Indeed, in some ways Japan and New Zealand are similar, both being island countries of similar geographic size, shape, and climate. But the one big difference is that New Zealand has relatively few people and many livestock, while Japan is the opposite, many people and few livestock. In addition to meat and dairy products, wine and grape production is an important part of New Zealand’s economy and export mix. So in that sense it is natural to go to a winery in Japan so that we can compare the production in both countries. But there is a further, more interesting reason for visiting Miyoshi winery in particular: the head wine maker there is a graduate of Lincoln University, where we will be studying!
As there was extra capacity on the bus going to Miyoshi, we also invited other international economics students who may be interested in future Top 10 programs, and also faculty and international students of the Global Communications Club (GCC). It was hoped that having international faculty and students on the Miyoshi winery trip would provide opportunity for much casual communication about travelling abroad and living in foreign countries, and we had people from Canada, USA, Bulgaria, Thailand, and Hong Kong join the activities.
三次ワイナリー行きのバスには少し空席があったため、今後のトップ10プログラムに興味のある留学生、Global Communications Club(GCC)の教職員も招待しました。この三次ワイナリー研修を通じて、教職員や学生が海外旅行や外国での生活について、気軽くコミュニケーションできるチャンスを与えるために、カナダ、アメリカ、ブルガリア、タイ、香港などの多国籍の人々を招待しました。
The staff at Miyoshi winery welcomed us with open arms with a detailed wine tour and kind advice about wine production but also job hunting and future internship opportunities for students. We learned about the use of gelatin in the wine making process, metal cask vs. barrel aging, cork vs screw top, barrels usage and cross usage (for whiskey for example). Student questions included wondering how it was possible to make white wine from a red grape — one of Miyoshi winery’s most prestigious (and expensive) wines is a White Pinot Noir. In the same way that many white Champagnes are made with Pinot Noir, Miyoshi Winery produces a White wine of very high quality — the trick is to remove the seeds and skin from the juice before production. We were all also very impressed to hear that the relatively inexpensive (¥1,800) “Crispy Chardonnay” was the 2022 winner of the Nikkei Newspaper’s best Japanese wine under ¥3,000.
We left the snow-covered winery after a nice lunch, and the students had many new ideas about wine, wine production, and Japan’s connection to New Zealand. A special thanks to the international students from the GCC and Uebayashi sensei and Hayakawa sensei from the Department of International Economics and Waragai sensei (Economics) and Driussi sensei (University Education Center) from the GCC for joining us!
私たちはおいしい昼食後、雪に覆われたワイナリーを出ました。学生たちはワインやワインの生産、日本とニュージーランドのつながりについて、多くの新しいアイデアを持つようになりました。今回のワイナリー研修に参加していただいた GCCからの学生、上林教授(国際経済学科)、早川教授(国際経済学科)、藁谷講師(経済学科)とDriussi助教(大学教育センター)に感謝します!
Pre-trip presentation event:
As part of the preparation for the New Zealand Top 10 trip, students chose a research focus and gave a presentation about 1) the current situation as they understand it in New Zealand, and 2) what they would like to investigate further when they are there in New Zealand. The topics were as follows:
ニュージーランドのトップ10研修の準備の一環として、学生たちが研究テーマを選択し、1)ニュージーランドの現状を把握し、2)ニュージーランドで調査したいことについて発表しました。 テーマは次のとおりです。
KANOU Yousuke — Trade and Tariff (Japan NZ Bilateral Trade, FTAs(TPP, RCEP))
加納 遥介:貿易·関税(日本NZ二国間貿易、FTA(TPP、RCEP))
MORI Ayaka — Payment systems in New Zealand(Cashless, currency, exchange rate, etc)
森 彩香:ニュージーランドの決済システム(キャッシュレス、通貨、為替レートなど)
MORINAKA Lena — Consumer Prices in New Zealand (Inflation, Beef and Dairy Prices)
OI Hana — Wine and other agribusiness(History of wine production, wine regions, dairy regions)
大井 波奈:ワインその他の農業事業(ワイン生産の歴史、ワイン地域、酪農地域)
OKUKAWA Hana — Earthquakes(The sad shared history of 2011/2/22 and 2011/3/11)
奥川 巴菜:地震(2011/2/22と2011/3/11の共有している悲しい歴史)
SUGANAMI Aya — Tourism in NZ (Akaroa, Cardboard Cathedral, Regent Street etc)
菅波 亜弥:ニュージーランドの観光(アカロア、ダンボール大聖堂、リージェントストリートなど)
SUGIHARA Ikuho — History and Culture (Māori, Captain James Cook, Treaty of Waitangi)
杉原 生穂:歴史と文化(マオリ、ジェームズ·クック船長、ワイタンギ条約)
TATEMOTO Kazuma — Domestic Transportation(Busses, Trains, and other ways people get around)
竪本 和真:国内交通(バス、電車、その他の移動手段)
YUTANI Hikari — Women’s issues in New Zealand (Kate Shephard and Jacinda Arden etc)
勇谷 ひかり:ニュージーランドの女性問題(ケイト·シェパードとジャシンダ·アーデンなど)
Special thank you to the all the professors of the Department of International Economics who attended and also to Dean Kusuda for joining us during their very busy schedule.