





受賞 高 校 名 学年 氏   名 スピーチタイトル
大賞 広島国泰寺高等学校 3 荒川 彩良 さん 投票:あなたの声を届かせよう
Arakawa, Sara Vote:Make Your Voice Heard
準大賞 福山暁の星女子高等学校 2 羽賀 帆乃佳 さん 大多数の危険性
Haga, Honoka The Tyranny of the Majority
優秀賞 如水館高等学校 1 近藤 芽生 さん 未来の社会のために必要な投票
Kondo, Mei The Importance of Voting to Future Society
審査員特別賞 福山暁の星女子高等学校 2 渡邉 葵 さん 若者の投票を考えよう
Watanabe, Aoi Improving Voting Amongst the Young
努力賞 福山暁の星女子高等学校 1 ベレス アケミ さん 政府を若い世代に戻そう
Velez, Akemi A Return to a Younger Government
努力賞 如水館高等学校 1 村田 みか さん 私はこのように考える。
Murata, Mika I think in that way.
努力賞 近畿大学附属広島高等学校
2 土屋 陽由 さん 若さは武器
Tsuchiya, Hiyori Youth is weapon.
努力賞 武田高等学校 1 日山 芹香 さん 政治に参加しよう
Nichiyama, Serika Let’s participate in politics
努力賞 武田高等学校 2 八木 蓮夏 さん 明るい未来へ
Yagi, Renka Toward a Bright Future
努力賞 広島叡智学園高等学校 1 高原 沙理楽 さん 本当の若者の政治参加
Takahara, Sarira The Truly Political Involvement of Young Voters
努力賞 広島中等教育学校 2 香川 穂乃佳 さん 自ラ調査セヨ
Kagawa, Honoka Research yourself
努力賞 広島中等教育学校 2 松村 歩夢 さん 若者に知る機会を
Matsumura, Ayumu Chance to Know
努力賞 武田高等学校 1 栄井 理歩 さん 投票しよう!
Sakai, Riho Youth Voters






 Thank you very much to the participants in the 2022 High School English Speech Contest. Each year, the quality of the speeches is very impressive, and this is a measure of the high quality of the students and their teachers in this region of Japan.
 There were aspects of some of the speeches that helped them to be highly effective at communicating a clear and effective message. I want to highlight a few of these qualities.
 In any act of communication, it is essential that the creator of the language consider their audience. This is especially true when the language is in the spoken form, as it is not possible for the listener to revisit any points that may have been missed or unclear. To help the listener, speakers should speak in a calm manner that provides the listener with enough time to really attend to what is being said. The speaker, who already knows what they are about to say, does not need this processing time, so it is very easy for them to speak as fast as they are able to produce the sounds. However, when the goal is communication, the focus should be on allowing the listener to integrate what they are hearing with their own ideas on the subject.
 One caution with speaking calmly is that it does not mean that the speaker must be limited to only using a slow, calm tone. There are times that picking up the pace can also add to what the speaker aims to communicate. If one wants to convey a feeling of excitement, then reflecting that excitement in your voice will certainly help to bring your listener along for the ride. Another reason way a varied rate of presentation is useful is that it helps the speaker to hold the listeners’ attention. Our brains are built to notice change. Through changing the speed or intensity of how you speak, it is possible to grab ahold of your listeners’ attention.
 A useful example of using pace to focus attention on a point is the pregnant pause. This is when the speaker stops speaking for a moment: not long, but enough to be noticed. This abrupt change in the flow of the language captures the listeners’ attention and signals that the next thing that the speaker will say is particularly important.
 Another aspect of high-quality speeches is that they provide ideas that the listener will want to consider. Innovative ideas that are supported with real facts add a quality of authority to the speaker and give the listener a feeling that they can trust and benefit from listening to the points being presented. It is especially effective when each point builds upon previous points and is presented in a logical progression. As I mentioned above, the listener of a speech is experiencing the speech for the first time; therefore, it is not as easy for them to follow the meaning of the words as it is for the speaker, who has read and re-read the speech many times. Therefore, in conjunction with the logical flow of the ideas, transitional signals and the show how different points are related to each other are very helpful. One common way to connect ideas in this way is through using words like ‘because,’ ‘however,’ and ‘therefore.’ Other ways to do it might include repeating key words or using longer phrases to describe how things are related. Again, as a reader, the connection may be obvious, but for the listener, everything is new, and it is not possible to look back to refer to previous points; thus, the extra support may be welcome.
 To list and describe the many strong points of each of the speeches would take pages of writing. I hope that I can encompass my general feeling about the speeches in five words: I thoroughly enjoyed your speeches. Actually, I’d like to add one additional word: Thank you.
