【生物工学科】『Small Carnivores:小さな食肉類』刊行!

【生物工学科】『Small Carnivores:小さな食肉類』刊行!

Wiley-Blackwell社より『Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation(小さな食肉類:進化、生態、行動、保全)』が刊行されました。エディターの一人である生物工学科佐藤が紹介させていただきます。

Wiley Blackwell社のサイト


世界中の研究者と一緒に本を作るということは、とても大変な作業でした。編集を中断せざるを得ない出来事がありましたが、第一エディターのEmmanuel Do Linh San博士を筆頭にまとめあげ、ようやく世の中に送り出すことができ大変うれしく思います。わたくし生物工学科佐藤は第1章と第2章の著者、および第二部(進化、系統、分布)のエディターとなりました。第2章では、世界に先駆けてレッサーパンダの進化的位置づけを明らかにしたことやイタチ科の進化についての総説を書きました。最近は、コロナで国際交流がことごとくつぶされておりますが、また対面での国際的な交流ができればいいなぁと思います。若い皆さんにも、もっと外に出て、自分の当たり前を見直す機会を持ってもらえたらと思います。





Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1 The World’s Small Carnivores Definitions, Richness, Distribution, Conservation Status, Ecological Roles, and Research Efforts

Part II: Evolution, Systematics and Distribution
Chapter 2 Molecular Systematics of the Caniform Carnivora and its Implications for Conservation
Chapter 3 Systematics and Evolution of the Mongooses (Herpestidae, Carnivora)
Chapter 4 Late Quaternary Biogeography of Small Carnivores in Europe
Chapter 5 Ecomorphological Disparity of Small Carnivore Guilds
Chapter 6 Beyond Black and White: Addressing Colour Variation in the Context of Local Environmental Conditions for the Aposematic American Hog-nosed Skunk

Part III: Ecology, Behaviour, and Diseases
Chaper 7 The function of Carnivore Latrines: Review, Case Studies, and a Research Framework for Hypothesis- Testing
Chaper 8 Factors Affecting European Badger Movement Lengths and Propensity: Evidence of Density-Dependent Effects?
Chapter 9 Behavioural Adaptations of Molina’s Hog-Nosed Skunk to the Conversion of Natural Grasslands into Croplands in the Argentine Pampas
Chapter 10 Activity and Movement Patterns of Urban Stone Martens
Chapter 11 A 9-Year Demographic and Health Survey of a European Mink Population in Navarre (Spain): Role of the Canine Distemper Virus
Chapter 12 Density of African Civets in a Moist Mountain Bushveld Region of South Africa

Part IV: Interspecific Interactions and Community Ecology
Chapter 13 Spatio-Temporal Overlap Between a Native and an Exotic Carnivore in Madagascar: Evidence of Spatial Exclusion
Chapter 14 Colonization of Agricultural Landscapes by the Pine Marten: Influence of Habitat Constraints and Interspecific Competition
Chapter 15 Spatial and Temporal Resource Partitioning of Small Carnivores in the African Rainforest: Implications for Conservation and Management
Chapter 16 Ecological Separation and Coexistence in a Carnivore Community in North-Central Thailand
Chapter 17 Interactions Between Honey Badgers and Other Predators in the Southern Kalahari: Intraguild Predation and Facilitation
Chapter 18 Seed Dispersal by Mesocarnivores Importance and Functional Uniqueness in a Changing World
Chapter 19 Ecology and Conservation of Southeast Asian Civets (Viverridae) and Mongooses (Herpestidae)

Part V: Interactions with People and Conservation
Chapter 20 Small Carnivore Introductions Ecological and Biological Correlates of Success
Chapter 21 Global Review of the Effects of Small Carnivores on Threatened Species
Chapter 22 The Global Consumptive Use of Small Carnivores Social, Cultural, Religious, Economic, and Subsistence Trends from Prehistoric to Modern Times
Chapter 23 Conservation Status of the North American River Otter in the United States and Canada Assessing Management Practices and Public Perceptions of the Species



